Mass market skin care and cosmetics may have a significant advantage over private label skin care manufacturers. They have an advertising budget and marketing team aimed at selling their products to the desired demographic.
Private label skin care manufacturers meet and sometimes exceed Food and Drug Administration regulations. Therefore, the safety and efficacy of private label products do not necessarily fall short of those by mass or high end manufacturers. In fact, they often exceed it.
Skin care products, according to the FDA, are any product applied to the skin of the face or body to enhance or improve the look of the skin. Also included would be cosmetics, which are products applied to the face, eyes, lips, nails or hair to improve the appearance of such body parts. The FDA does have a say in the manufacture of those products but it’s not mandatory. They may choose to inspect a facility or look into a claim whereby a user of the product has claimed the product has hurt them in some way.
Choosing a private label skin care product can have many advantages. They are generally made under the more guiding eye of their creator. The development of the products is more likely to be a labor of love instead of necessity and is often reflected in the finished product. One disadvantage may be an increased cost over a mass manufactured product. However, that cost is often minimal and usually worth the investment.
Private label skin care products and cosmetics are becoming more available in larger markets. They are often carried by local health food retailers as well as some larger chain natural health product stores.
Many consumers have found that mass market skin care, supplements or cosmetics have chemicals that are irritating to the skin or digestive tract. These customers are seeking products that perform as well or better than products previously used. Once they use a private label skin care product they love, they remain loyal to it.