Popular Vitamins for Teens

Teenagers make up a good portion of vitamin sellers’ demographics. Adolescents transitioning into adulthood often have new health needs and, therefore, look to vitamins to help them with their changing bodies.

Vitamins for Acne

Vitamin A

It’s advised that individuals who suffer from acne issues do not take Vitamin A as an oral supplement because a high intake of it can be toxic. Instead, experts recommend Vitamin A be altered into a retinoid and used as a topical medication applied to the skin. Retinoids work by regenerating and healing skin rapidly.


Zinc can effectively combat acne as an oral supplement or topical treatment. It decreases oily skin and protects against bacterial infection and inflammation. Like Vitamin A, however, a high intake may be harmful; it can lead to copper deficiency.

Vitamins for Asthma

Vitamin D

Studies have found that children with low Vitamin D levels at six-years-old are more likely to have asthma when they’re fourteen. Evidence suggests that this vitamin can reverse airway remodeling or airway inflammation in the asthmatic lung.

Vitamin E

Research shows Vitamin E reduces bronchoconstriction associated with asthma. Asthma patients with higher Vitamin E had lower prevalence of wheezing, cough, and shortness of breath.

Vitamin C

Experimental studies link low levels of Vitamin C and asthma.  A clinical trial of eight asthmatic subjects found those given 1,5000 mg of Vitamin C daily for two weeks experience slightly improved asthma symptoms.

Vitamins for Athletes

Vitamin B

Vitamin B is great for athletes because it converts protein and sugar into energy and produces red blood cells. According to one study, athletes with low levels of Vitamin B perform poorly during a high-intensity exercise.


Calcium increases bone-density which is necessary for anyone participating in high-impact activities. Studies show skim milk reduces runners’ incidence of developing a stress fracture by 62%.


Iron is necessary for athletes because this mineral naturally depletes during work out. It’s proven that working out for an hour depletes 5.7% of one’s iron.


Potassium balances water content throughout the body and helps muscles and nerves work properly. It helps athletes with cramps and recovery time.

Interested in the vitamin business? Make sure you have a good manufacturer behind your products. Contact Healthy Solutions today for safe, quality vitamin, supplement, and skin care manufacturing.