Vitamin D is almost as complex as vitamin B and is vitally important to the body. The “sun ray” vitamin is essential to the formation of teeth and bones in young children, but also regulates and modulates cell growth, plays a role in immune function, and controls inflammation. Most people worldwide are deficient in vitamin D. This can lead to rickets in children and a softening of the bones (called osteomalacia) in adults. Most people get their daily dose of vitamin D from sun exposure, drinking milk, or eating eggs and fish.
However, when deficient in vitamin D, supplementation is necessary. There are two types of vitamin D currently in use – and one that is no longer considered a vitamin.
- Vitamin D1 is not technically a vitamin, but a 1:1 of lumisterol and Vitamin D2. The term Vitamin D1 is no longer in use.
- Vitamin D2 is called ergocalciferol and is produced by plants, not by the human body.
- Vitamin D3 is called cholecalciferol and is produced by the skin of the human body when sunlight falls on bare skin or can be ingested from animal sources.
It’s important to consider the source of vitamin D before beginning a program of supplementation, and to be aware of not only signs of deficiency, but the signs of a vitamin D overdose or hypervitaminosis. It is extremely difficult to spot because vitamin D can build up in the body over the course of the supplementation program as vitamin D is fat-soluble instead of water-soluble. A vitamin D intake between 1000 and 4000 international units is a normal dose. For medical conditions requiring a higher dose, the supervision of a physician is urgently recommended.
Symptoms of Vitamin D Hypervitaminosis Include-
- High blood calcium levels, called hypercalcemia.
- Gastrointestinal distress including nausea, vomiting, constipation, or diarrhea.
- High blood pressure.
- Calcification of the kidneys and kidney failure.
- Hearing loss.
- Excessive thirst.
The possibility of manufacturing errors makes securing vitamin manufacturing source an urgent matter. White label vitamins should be sourced from a certified cGMP vitamin manufacturing company. Based in Arizona, Healthy Solutions employs formulators and analytical chemists with years of experience in vitamin manufacturing. For more than 20 years, we have created many different formulations of popular vitamin products for both national and white label brands. Make sure your source for vitamin D is experienced and safeguard your customers’ health!